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173.	Jansson, Jan:  Insulae Americanae in Oceano Septentrionali...

173. Jansson, Jan: Insulae Americanae in Oceano Septentrionali...

... cum Terris adiacentibus

Amsterdam, 1639.

Rare, contemporary coloured map of Central America by Jan Jansson based on Hessel Gerritsz. Jansson’s edition is almost the same as Gerritsz’ chart, but Jansson added the west coast of Central America to the depiction.

Fine, clean copy.

Dimensions: 380 x 520 (480 x 590) mm.

Burden: 248. (1. state); van der Krogt: 9600:1.

A darab a Hereditas Antikvárium 2022. december 2-án lezajlott 4. árverésének tétele, az aukció lezárását követően nem megvásárolható.

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